Sunday, January 27, 2019

The Little Red Hen and The Little Red Hen (Makes a Pizza) Compare and Contrast Freebie

The Little Red Hen has always been one of my favorite stories to teach students hard work and helping others and is a fun unit for the spring when you can plant with your students! I love sharing this story with my students and then move on to do a compare and contract activity with the story. 

The Little Red Hen

I love reading the story The Little Red Hen in the spring with my students.  I work on this story for a full week with my students.  
Students enjoyed reading and coloring their own little emergent reader.  
We did sequencing and retelling activities and really became familiar with the story.
Little Red Hen sequencing activity from my Little Red Hen easy prep sub plans.  Includes a full days worth of common core aligned activities that are perfect for a kindergarten classroom.  Makes for a stress free day out!
Students created their own little flip book with vocabulary from the story and labeled a picture which is a great phonics activity where they can listen for beginning and ending sounds.  
We did a little writing activity where students drew themselves and added their own name to the sentence frame, "I will help the Little Red Hen, said ____."  This is a fun sheet to save to create a class book.  They also practice reading and copying sentences.  
As well as some Little Red Hen themed math/ number sentence activities.  
And finally some fun extras, such as a story elements graphic organizers, a word search, rhyming and a sort of events from the story and things that do not belong. 

Compared and Contrast with the Little Red Hen Makes a Pizza

Once we were very familiar of the story of the Little Red Hen, we moved on to The Little Red Hen Makes a Pizza.  I recently discovered the story and absolutely love it.  In this adorable version of the story, the Little Red Hen wants to make a pizza and needs items to make her pizza.  
I was so happy to share this version of the Little Red Hen with my students and thought it was a great story to practice compare and contrasting.  This has always been a difficult skill for my students and since it is a higher level skill, I have been trying to focus on developing comparing and contrasting with my students.  
I then moved on to introducing the story The Little Red Hen Makes a Pizza and comparing and contrasting these stories.  As a group we talked about how these stories are the same and different.  We discussed the beginning, endings, characters and other story elements.  As a follow up activity, I had students complete their own Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting these two stories.  (This activity is a freebie at the end of the blog post)
For this activity you can use preselected pictures like above or if your students are more capable, they can write or draw how these stories are similar and different in their own Venn Diagram or use the preselected pictures.  

You can grab The Little Red Hen sequencing activity, retelling and all of the other The Little Red Hen activities from my easy prep sub plans in my TPT store or by clicking on the link. 
Little Red Hen Full Day Sub plans.  Easy prep and all common core aligned activities that make a day out of the closroom easy and stress free
The compare and contrast activity is a freebie in my TPT store that you can grab here:
Free Little Red Hen Makes a Pizza Compare and Contrast 

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